Sinclair Cosmoplitan - Deluxe with Atomic V18

Sinclair Cosmoplitan - Deluxe with Atomic V18
Sleek, Powerful, Modern!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

United States is plunged into a chaotic abyss!!!

AUTO PUBLICATION-Errors Found-from last saved draft on 1/1/53 message loaded..... Paradise lost today the president has started a state of emergancy after worlwide panic was risin over the global informational blackout when the entire world was put into a silence when all technology stopped working but alas technology has started to work once again but with the world fearing another shutdown on a epic scale many have found ways to create data backup but the damage has been done when a emp emitting from a unknown source caused a grand scale amount of devestation reducing the entire globe to the dark ages meanwhile the worlds nations are waging war on one another threating nuclear war!.... This just in! more informa///Warning This is a message from civil defense please go to youlocal or personal bomb shelter war has been waged!.......... EMP DETECTED!!!! shutting down to prevent memory corruption goodbye..

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